All About Grants
what do ideal grant proposals look like?
Grant proposals will be evaluated according to how well they meet Friends criteria and metrics. Innovation and creative proposals that directly impact the curriculum while also emphasizing the hands-on-learning experience are a priority for approval. We look for proposals that not only target specific student groups, but those that support comprehensive programs for a whole school’s community as well.
Grants are awarded in all curriculum categories including all areas of STEAM, fine arts, SEL (social emotional learning), health and wellness, language arts and world cultures. Staff professional development and community/school collaborations will also be considered.
See a list of past and current grants for each school
What makes a grant great?
Quality + Impact & Return on Investment
Friends takes into consideration the reach of each grant (e.g. does it encompass a certain grade, school or multiple schools)
Support for the grant from appropriate stakeholders (e.g., building principal, other faculty, SPED team, guidance)
Plans to maintain and sustain the project beyond the initial grant funding (e.g., school budget, maintenance/facilities support, outside funding sources)
Grant enriches or extends the curriculum, student, and/or teacher experience in some capacity with documented connection to MA educational frameworks
Friends Grant Applications Food for thought
Friends evaluates grant applications on a variety of factors but it is important to note:
Friends does not provide funds that support operational costs including texts, utilities, existing building and equipment maintenance, or staff salaries and wages.
Proposals may, however, include a request for funds for project-related supplies and equipment, workshop fees, and/or educational resource materials.
Any reusable materials and equipment made available through a grant will become the property of the Marblehead Public Schools. Friends will not issue grants to compensate people on an hourly basis, but in certain cases a fixed stipend may be awarded